Woodland Hills Sanitary District

July 2020 DRAFT Minutes


Please note these are draft minutes and subject to change pending review and approval at the August 2020 district meeting.  Please email any comments to webmaster@whills.org.


The July meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District board was called to order at 6:35pm on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. 


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel  (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Jim Stewart and Peggy Severson.  John Knight and Garry Colasardo were away.


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The June minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved. 


Income Report:


For June:

Net income was $2,644

Gallons pumped  were 602,042 - 22% loss.

Gallons pumped a year ago  388,902 - 14% loss

Gallons pumped ten years ago: 756,100 - 43% loss

There were 5 unpaid account for June.


Water Report:  Clearwater Consulting worked on a suspected leak on Lark Lane digging four test pits exposing 25 feet of main line at suspected leak points with no sign of a leak.  Clearwater believes that a siphon effect of water leaving the Lark Lane main and traveling up and over the hill at the top of Lark Lane to pump-house 2 could have duped the leak detection equipment.  Lark Lane checked out fine.   South Dakota Rural Water will return with the leak detection trailer on July 9 and work the area between Nuthatch Lane and pump-house 2 south of Tanager Lane.  Ed from  Clearwater has noted that we're spending more money trying to isolate the leak compared to years of the cost of the water loss from the leak.   If the leak detection effort on July 9 is inconclusive the board agreed with Clearwater to just monitor the situation and act only if the leak gets worse or the leak location becomes obvious.


On June 18 the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system detected a pump failure in pump-house 2.  A pipe had burst and flooded the pump-house.  The pipe dates back to the initial construction of the pump-house.  A&E Plumbing repaired and replaced the pipe and Morford Electric repaired the damaged pump.  Jim will check with the district's insurance carrier to see if repair costs would be covered.


On July 4 the SCADA system issued a low level alarm for the tanks at pump house 1.  The tanks were calling for water but the well pump was not responding.  Clearwater Consulting arrived on-site and was able to manually start the well pump and filled the tanks but the SCADA system was unable to start the pump.  Dakota Pump was called and they determined that lightning had most likely damaged a modem and an antenna that communicates between pump-house 1 and the well-house.  The modem and antenna were replaced.  Again, this could be an insured loss, Jim to check with the carrier.


Road Report: The road district received a tax deposit of $2,300 and the account has a balance of $29,513.


Old Business:  Bobby mentioned that the COVID virus might be a concern for the annual picnic on August 30.  Jim will email the residents and ask for comments on holding it or not.


New Business: None.


Board member comments:  None.

Resident comments:  None.


The board adjourned the meeting at 7:03pm.

Carefully written up to the best of his ability by Jim Stewart