Woodland Hills Sanitary District

November 2018 DRAFT Minutes


Please note these are draft minutes and subject to change pending review and approval at the December 2018 district meeting.  Please email any comments to Jim Stewart, webmaster@whills.org.


The November meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:40pm on November 14.


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel and board members Jim Stewart and John Knight.


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were reviewed.  Bobby made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jim and the vote was 3-0 to approve.


Income Report: Net income for September was $3,091.  The insurance premium was paid, $1,515 and $2,000 for the paint work performed on the Lark Lane building.


Water Report:   Ed reported water losses for October were 12.7 percent.   The backup well is running now and will be used for about 30 days to keep it in good operating condition.  The doors and door frames to the well house are rusting/rotting and should be replaced next summer. 


Road Report:  The road account received a tax deposit of $276.  A loan payment was made to the Severson's with two left to make.  The Severson's loaned the district the money to help pave Woodland Drive from pump house #2 to the end of the road.


John reported that the gravel barrels are being worked on and the December 1 delivery date should be met.


Old Business:  Deed covenants activity will be conducted in a separate meeting with the people who replied to the letter that was sent out at the end of October.


Jim spoke with the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance and increased our coverage of the SCADA system to $25,000.


New Business:   Bobby mentioned with the California wildfires that Woodland Hills does not have an evacuation plan.  The only route out of the sub-division is Peaceful Pines Road.   Jim will call the forest service regarding the locked gates at the top of Woodland Drive.  Is it possible to use the forest service road as a way out?  The road is rather rough in places and would probably require a high clearance vehicle (SUV or pickup truck).


Jim presented a tentative budget for 2019.  Bobby suggested using recently announced Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) on the 2019 budget.  Jim will adjust and present the budget at the December meeting.  Bobby also suggested using COLA on the water rates.  The last rate adjustment was made in 2013 and the rates should reflect the increased costs of operating the system.  The board would like to keep a healthy reserve fund for emergency situations and avoid future special assessments.


Board member comments:  Jim suggested that the monthly meeting be moved to the 2nd Tuesday of each month.  The issue was tabled until the other board members can comment on the idea.


Resident comments:  none 


The board adjourned the meeting at 7:14pm.


Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Recording Secretary