Woodland Hills Sanitary District

November 2016 Minutes


The November meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:30PM. In attendance were:  Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Bobby Sadler, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the October minutes.  There were no changes to be made. Evan made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Carol and approved 5-0.


Income Report:  Total water income for October was $7743.46. We had a net income of $4754.19 and a total water loss of 5.7%.  There were no unusual expenses.

All storm damage repairs have been finished. Total expenses from the hail damage in July totaled $6474.98 and insurance paid $6519.22. The sanitary district was able to pocket $44.24.

The one overdue account has been paid in full after receiving a certified letter and having their water services terminated.

Carol made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and approved 5-0.


Water and Project Report:  Ed reported that our water losses were up slightly due to the upgrades that happened at the midlevel tanks. The tanks needed to be drained to install new equipment. The new building at the midlevel tanks is currently being constructed and is almost complete. The workers have encountered a lot of rock.  There has not been any progress with the Scada system.

Ed told us that the main water meter in the Wellhouse will not tie into the new system. He will get pricing on a new meter for our consideration and bring it to the meeting next month. He is going to start up Well #1 and let it run for a couple of weeks.

A suspected leak was reported by the road at Colosardo’s residence. That was taken care of and they have recompacted the road.

The RAD results came for the backup well came in very low. There will be no need to retest.

Randy made a motion to approve the water and project report, seconded by Bobby and approved 5-0.


Road Report:  There was a deposit made in the amount of $258.23.


Old Business:  Our insurance renewal if due. We will add the new building that was constructed at the midlevel tanks with a value of $7000.


New Business:  None


Resident Comments:  None


Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:15PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary