March 9, 2011



The meeting began at 6:35pm.  Attending were Randy Alexander, Jim Stewart, Dick Helmstetter, Kathy Colasardo, Carol Crozman, Lois Lund and Ed Striebel.   Also in attendance was Sue Jones.



Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the February meeting.  Kathy motioned to accept the minutes with a 2nd by Dick.


Income Statement:  WCHA had net loss in February of $368.  A motion was made to accept the income statement by Jim, 2nd by Carol.


Water Report:  The leak on Junco Lane repaired in January was repaired again in February.  However, the repair should not billable, as it appeared the new leak was on the junction of the new pipe installed in January.   Topsoil will be added to the digging area when the weather improves.  The water loss for February was 26 percent.   That is the lowest loss percentage since September of 2009.  Ed mentioned that some expensive testing required by EPA regulations would be coming up later this year.    Jim motioned to accept the water report with a second from Kathy.


Old Business:  The board will put in a call to Ted Schultz inviting him to attend our annual meeting on April 26.  Also to ask Ted about the participation of the Black Hills Council of Governments, do they need to attend the meeting at this stage of planning?


The new rate schedule was mailed to the residents along with a letter explaining the reasons for the rate increase.


New Business: The board will ask the Black Hawk Fire Department if we can use their meeting facilities for the annual meeting.   Attendance is expected to be large.


The next board meeting will be Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 6:30pm.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.