DECEMBER 12th 2007


                       Vice President Gary Hansen brought the meeting to order at 18:40hrs.  Attending were, Loren Stanley, Ev Hutchings, Lois Lund, Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Gary Hansen read the minutes from the November meeting.  A motion to accept by Ev, 2nd by Mike.


Income Report:

           The income for the year shows a loss of $855.00, due to the approximately $7000.00 in major repairs to the water system.  A motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Jackie.


Water Report:

           The board has authorized Ed to purchase 12 more water meters so that the process can continue.  The well pump has been running more than the booster pump, indicating a leak in the system.  If the leak is not found, it may be necessary to shut down the water one area at a time in order to monitor the pump activity.  This would serve to identify the area which has the leak and refine the search for that leak.   A motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Loren.


Old Business:

           An agreement between Randy Alexander and Woodland Hills has been signed.  Randy has purchased 2 water rights for his property and has paid $14,000.00  to Woodland Hills.  This money will be used to repair and improve the water system.  Randy wants to connect a line from the curb stop to the main and has contracted Grizzly Excavation.  He has also contacted the Road Board for permission to bring the heavy equipment onto his property.


New Business:

           At this time there is no new business.


Next Board Meeting:        Will be held on Wed 9th January 2008 at 18:30hrs.



Meeting adjourned at 19:30hrs, Dec 12th 2007.

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte, Recording secretary.